How Does a Criminal Conviction Affect a
Social Worker License in Pennsylvania?
To become a Licensed Social Worker in Pennsylvania, you must have a four-year college degree, a master’s degree is preferred, and pass a challenging licensing examination. The State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors regulates the licensing and conduct of Licensed Social Workers in Pennsylvania. Being a Licensed Social Worker is a very demanding, thankless, at times upsetting and rewarding profession; it is one that takes an immense amount of compassion, empathy, and patience while providing an extraordinary service to families. Since it is not easy to become a Licensed Social Worker, and it is a great profession, why risk your Social Worker License and hard work making a foolish mistake, such as a DUI conviction? So: How Does a Criminal Conviction Affect a Social Worker License in Pennsylvania?
Paul S. Peters III, Esq. understands the dire consequences of losing your Social Worker License, such as threatening your ability to work and provide for yourself and your family. If you are in danger of losing your Social Worker License through action by the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors, you will need an experienced, trusted, and aggressive lawyer at your side to advocate on your behalf. Paul S. Peters III, Esq. will provide you with that needed advocacy and legal defense. Call Paul S. Peters III, Esquire at 215-291-2944.
Pennsylvania Social Worker License Regulation
State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors regulates the licensing of Social Workers through the Social Workers, Marriage, and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors Act of Jul. 9, 1987, P.L. 220, No. 39. The Law Applies To:
- Social Workers
- Clinical Social Workers
- Bachelor Social Workers
- Marriage and Family Therapists
- Professional Counselors
Pennsylvania Social Worker License and Criminal Convictions
Crime of Moral Turpitude
The Social Workers Act first requires all license applicants to possess “Good Moral Character.” It further states that a license can be denied or suspended if convicted of a felony or a crime of Moral Turpitude in any state or Federal court or being convicted of the equivalent of a felony in any foreign country, territory, or possession. This requirement includes any action in which Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) resolved the criminal charges. A “Crime of MORAL TURPITUDE” includes most felony convictions for crimes such as Murder, Arson, Kidnapping, Burglary, or Rape, and will undoubtedly prevent you from obtaining or result in a loss of your Social Worker License. As will any conviction for all levels of sexual offenses and offenses involving harm to children. Crimes for theft can also result in a license denial or suspension. These crimes call into question a person’s morals, ethics, character, and judgment.
Drug Offenses
The Act explicitly states, an applicant cannot have been convicted of a felony under The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act or of an offense under the laws of another jurisdiction which, if committed in this Commonwealth, would be a felony under The Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act unless: (i) at least ten years have elapsed from the date of conviction; (ii) the applicant satisfactorily demonstrated to the Board that the applicant has made significant progress in personal rehabilitation since the conviction such that licensure of the applicant should not be expected to create a substantial risk of harm to the health and safety of clients or the public or a substantial risk of further criminal violations.
Mandatory Reporter
As a licensed Social Worker, Therapist, or Counselor, you are considered a MANDATORY REPORTER in Pennsylvania regarding suspected child abuse. If you fail to uphold the duties and requirements of a MANDATORY REPORTER, you will face criminal charges and consequences, as well as the loss of your job and medical license.
Pennsylvania Licensed Social Worker and DUI Conviction
Per the language and requirements placed upon a Pennsylvania Licensed Social Worker, a DUI conviction can have a devastating impact in terms of obtaining your Social Worker License and keeping it. Pennsylvania Licensed Social Workers are required to be of “high moral character” and must disclose and face suspension if convicted of a “crime of moral turpitude.” Therefore, a Licensed Social Worker must disclose a DUI conviction to the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors. The Board reviews these matters on a case by case basis as the circumstances leading to the conviction can be for numerous reasons. The Board is most concerned with the presence of an alcohol or substance abuse issue. A DUI conviction before obtaining a Social Worker License must be disclosed and will undoubtedly make getting a Social Worker License more difficult and scrutinized. An investigation by the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors can result in probation, a suspension, or termination of your Pennsylvania Social Worker License.
A DUI conviction, as well as other serious crimes, will cause the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors to call into question your judgment, character, fitness, and ability to serve the public as a Licensed Social Worker. The State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors demands a high ethical and moral standard, given the nature of social work.
You may be able to avoid putting your Social Worker License at risk if you hire an experienced DUI and Licensed Social Workers License Defense Attorney such as Paul S. Peters III, Esq. Attorney Peters can aggressively advocate for your entry into the ARD Diversion Program if the DUI is your first offense. The ARD program will avoid a conviction and allow you to expunge the DUI arrest from your record. The ARD program can act to prevent a Social Worker License suspension.
If you are a Licensed Social Worker faced with consequences from a DUI conviction, it is essential to have an aggressive, experienced, and trusted lawyer for both your DUI matter and hearing before the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors. Paul S. Peters III, Esquire, is the legal advocate you need. Call him at 215-291-2944!
Alcohol and Substance Abuse
If accused or suspected of substance or alcohol abuse, your job and license are in jeopardy. Substance and alcohol abuse issues are extremely concerning to the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors for apparent reasons. If abuse is suspected, you can face an investigation and hearing before the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors. The investigation can result in a requirement that you attend and complete drug and alcohol counseling, submitting to random drug screens, and having your position or license placed on probation, restrictions, or terminated and suspended.
The Act addresses Drug and Alcohol Abuse explicitly under reasons for a denial or suspension by stating the Board can deny or suspend a license:
If one is unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety by reason of illness, drunkenness, excessive use of drugs, narcotics, chemicals, or any other type of material, or because of any mental or physical condition. A licensee affected under this paragraph shall at reasonable intervals, be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate that he or she can resume competent practice with reasonable skill and safety.
All categories and levels of criminal charges are taken extremely seriously by the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors. If you are facing criminal charges of any kind, your ability to be a Licensed Social Worker in Pennsylvania is in jeopardy. For the criminal case and hearings before the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors, you must have competent and aggressive legal representation. Paul S. Peters III, Esquire, with his 20-years of legal experience in criminal defense and licensing defense, will provide the trusted, experienced, and zealous legal advocacy needed to protect your liberty and Social Worker License.
How We Can Help
If you are a Licensed Social Worker and facing DUI or other criminal charges, you must immediately obtain an experienced, trusted, and aggressive Criminal and License Defense Lawyer. You will need representation for both the DUI or other criminal charges and defense of your Licensed Social Workers License before the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors. Paul S. Peters III, Esq. is the trusted, experienced, and aggressive legal partner needed to defend your rights and Social Worker License in Criminal Court and before the State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors.
Paul S. Peters III, Esq. handles matters in Pennsylvania arising in: Montgomery, Philadelphia, Bucks, Delaware, Chester, Lehigh, Lancaster, Northampton, and Berks, County, just to name a few.
Hopefully you do not have to ask the question: How Does a Criminal Conviction Affect a Social Worker License in Pennsylvania? If you do, then Do Not waste one minute, contact the Aggressive, Experienced, Trusted, and Compassionate Pennsylvania Criminal and Social Worker License Defense Lawyer, Paul S. Peters III, Esq.
[email protected]
If your Professional license is at risk in any of the following Pennsylvania Counties: Montgomery, Philadelphia, Bucks, Delaware, Chester, Lehigh, Lancaster, Northampton, Berks, Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Fulton, Huntington, Juniata, Lebanon, Mifflin, Perry, Snyder, York Bradford, Cameron, Centre, Clinton, Lycoming, Montour, Northumberland, Potter, Sullivan, Tioga, Union, Carbon, Columbia, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Pike, Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Wayne, and Wyoming County
It is important you contact the trusted, aggressive, and experienced Pennsylvania Professional and Occupational License Defense Attorney:
Paul S. Peters III, Esquire at:
[email protected]