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How Does a DUI Conviction Affect a CDL License in Pennsylvania? | The Peters Firm, PLLC - Paul S. Peters III, Esq.
How Does a DUI Conviction Affect a CDL License in Pennsylvania?

How Does a DUI Conviction Affect a

CDL License in Pennsylvania?

If you have a Pennsylvania Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), you drive a Tractor Trailer, Construction Equipment, Bus, or other Large Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV).  Therefore, your CDL license creates your ability to have a career and earn a living.  You also spent significant time in training and testing to obtain your CDL and may even have invested money into attending a trucking school.  Maintaining your CDL license is of the utmost importance and vital to your well-being.  A significant threat to your CDL license is an arrest and conviction for Driving Under the Influence (DUI).  So: How Does a DUI Conviction Affect a CDL License in Pennsylvania?

Paul S. Peters III, Esq. understands the dire consequences of losing your CDL license, such as threatening your ability to work and provide for yourself and your family.  If you find yourself in danger of losing your CDL license through action by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, you will need an experienced, trusted, and aggressive lawyer at your side to advocate on your behalf.  Paul S. Peters III, Esq. will provide you the necessary advocacy and legal defense.  Call Paul S. Peters III, Esquire at 215-291-2944.

CDL License Suspension in Pennsylvania

Given that a CDL license means you drive a large vehicle that, if not correctly operated, can cause catastrophic damage, Pennsylvania takes any traffic or criminal violations by CDL drivers exceptionally seriously.

Pennsylvania addresses CDL license violations into two categories; MAJOR OFFENSES and SERIOUS OFFENSES


These Offenses carry a 60 to 120-day  Suspension if convicted of 2+ offenses within 3- years: 

  • 15mph Over Speed Limit
  • Careless or Reckless Driving
  • Hazardous Grades
  • Improper or Erratic Lane Change
  • Following Too Closely
  • Construction Zone Violations
  • Texting While Driving
  • Using Hand-Held Mobile While Driving

CDL License and DUI Conviction in Pennsylvania

The most common criminal charge the holder of a CDL license in Pennsylvania faces is that of Driving Under the Influence.   

A DUI conviction will put your CDL license in jeopardy.  The DUI arrest will not only result in a criminal conviction but loss of CDL license, loss of employment, denial of unemployment benefits, wasting the years of hard work and dedication, and losing your livelihood, hurting yourself, and your family.

             BAC Level for CDL Drivers

In Pennsylvania, the Blood Alcohol Level (BAC) limit is .08; a BAC of .08 or higher can lead to a DUI conviction.  However, for those with a CDL license, the BAC limit is .04.  For a CDL license DUI violation, the BAC limit and suspension applies when a CDL holder is driving a CMV or personal vehicle. 

            DUI Penalties for CDL Drivers

The DUI conviction, if in a personal vehicle, will result in a one-year CDL suspension; however, if the DUI conviction stems from driving a CMW, the CDL suspension can be two-years.  If the CMW was transporting hazardous materials, the CDL suspension could be three-years.  A second DUI conviction can result in a lifetime CDL suspension.

The suspensions listed above are on top of the penalties for DUIs generally.

You can avoid A CDL suspension for DUI if you hire an experienced DUI and CDL License Defense Attorney such as Paul S. Peters III, Esq.  Attorney Peters can aggressively advocate for your entry into the ARD Diversion Program if the DUI is your first offense.  The ARD program will avoid a conviction and allow you to expunge the DUI arrest from your record.  The avoidance of a DUI conviction can, in turn, prevent a CDL license suspension.

How We Can Help 

If you are a CDL Driver and facing a DUI charge, or any other criminal or traffic offense stated above, you must immediately obtain an experienced, trusted, and aggressive DUI and CDL Defense Lawyer.  You will need representation for both the DUI/other charges and any defense of your CDL license.  Paul S. Peters III, Esq. is the trusted, experienced, and aggressive legal partner needed to defend your rights and CDL license in Criminal Court and before the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.

Paul S. Peters III, Esq. handles matters in Pennsylvania arising in:            Montgomery, Philadelphia, Bucks, DelawareChesterLehighLancasterNorthampton, and Berks, County, just to name a few.

Do not waste one minute, contact the Aggressive, Experienced, Trusted, and Compassionate Pennsylvania DUI and CDL License Defense Lawyer, Paul S. Peters III, Esq.




If your Professional license is at risk in any of the following Pennsylvania Counties:            MontgomeryPhiladelphiaBucksDelawareChesterLehigh, LancasterNorthamptonBerksAdamsCumberlandDauphinFranklinFultonHuntingtonJuniataLebanonMifflinPerrySnyderYork BradfordCameronCentreClintonLycomingMontourNorthumberlandPotterSullivanTiogaUnionCarbonColumbiaLackawannaLuzerneMonroePikeSchuylkillSusquehannaWayne, and Wyoming County 

It is important you contact the trusted, aggressive, and experienced Pennsylvania Professional and Occupational License Defense Attorney:


Paul S. Peters III, Esquire at:
