Being Sued for Credit Card Debt?

Being Sued for Credit Card Debt?

If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being sued by a credit card company or debt collector, do not ignore the lawsuit or give in without a fight.

These lawsuits can be defended and challenged, as well as negotiated for a much lower amount than claimed.

If the lawsuit is from a debt collector (Midland Funding, LLC; LVNV Funding, LLC; or Cavalry Portfolio Recovery Services, LLC, to name a few) you should absolutely seek legal representation to challenge the lawsuit.  Debtor Collectors purchase defaulted credit card debt from credit card companies such as Capital One or Discover.  Many times this purchase fails to include the necessary documentation and proof that the sale was valid and that you actually owe the money claimed.  The Debt Collectors assume most consumers will ignore the lawsuit or agree to pay the money without a challenge.

Challenging the lawsuit through an attorney will allow you to determine if you in fact owe the debt and whether it may be proven.  If the Debt Collector cannot prove its case, you will avoid a judgment and its consequences or the need to pay a lump sum or payment plan.

If you receive notice of a lawsuit from a credit card company or debt collector it is important you seek legal counsel from The Peters Firm, PLLC before making any decisions. 


Call us immediately upon being receiving a collection lawsuit at:

215-291-2944 or

[email protected]

What Debt Collectors Cannot Do




If you are being tormented by a debt collector in any of the following counties, contact the trusted and experienced MontgomeryPhiladelphiaBucksDelawareChester, LehighLancasterNorthamptonBerksAdamsCumberlandDauphinFranklinFulton,        HuntingtonJuniataLebanonMifflinPerrySnyderYork, BradfordCameron,  CentreClintonLycomingMontourNorthumberland, PotterSullivanTiogaUnionCarbon,           ColumbiaLackawannaLuzerneMonroePikeSchuylkillSusquehannaWayne, and Wyoming Debtor Collection Defense attorney:


Paul S. Peters III, Esquire at:
[email protected]
The Peters Firm, PLLC